Stem Health

Stem health has long been a breeding target for Limagrain

Disease resistance is key and maintaining green/clean stems in OSR for as long as possible allows for greater yield potential and increased oil percentage

stem health screening

Limagrain has long established stem health screening platforms across the UK and Europe, allowing us to select against the most prevalent stem based diseases; phoma stem canker, light leaf spot (cylindrosporium) and verticillium stem stripe.

why is stem health key?

As breeders’ disease resistance is key and maintaining green/clean stems in oilseed rape for as long as possible allows for greater yield potential and increased oil percentage through the prolonged period that nutrients and water can be translocated around the plant.

Light Leaf Spot stem symptoms in our trials have shown discrepancy with AHDB LLS ratings with wide variation in stem-based symptoms for varieties with similar AHDB scores.

Limagrain thoroughly screen varieties, and our new generation hybrids show a step forward in encompassing stem health as a whole.

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