Forage and Environmental
31st July 2023

Why Circle Leys is trusted by generations; past, present and future

Circle Leys Grass Seedlings in Lab

Over the last 70 years farming has evolved significantly.

However, during that time the one aspect that hasn’t changed is the need for high quality forage as grazed grass or conserved forage to feed ruminant animals.

Almost 70 years ago Fred Craven created a group of leys for Sir Joseph Nickerson designed with a specific purpose in mind. In the subsequent years we have added to this mixture range as farming has changed and we have adapted the mixtures accordingly.

Core benefits such as yield, disease resistance and other agronomic characteristics are vital to production and are attained through use of unique and varied varieties from a range of plant breeders worldwide.

Unashamedly we have remained totally faithful to the original thought process based around high quality forage. Dry Matter Intake and overall D-value/ME are the main drivers throughout the range, allowing the ruminant to maximise intake and therefore maintenance and production from forage.

More Information

To learn more about Circle Leys, download the Brochure here.

Circle Leys Brochure

To view the Circle Leys range, click here

Or contact your local Seed Specialist.

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Forage and Environmental

Sean Lovegreen
Sean Lovegreen
Director of Sales (Nickerson)

About The Author

Sean Lovegreen

Director of Sales (Nickerson)
Sean Lovegreen started with Nickerson as an agent before quickly moving up the ranks to become the Director of Sales in 2016. With both a practical farming background and experience of running his own agricultural business prior to joining us, Sean is ideally placed to provide both farmers and colleagues with plenty of value.

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