Phoma is one of the biggest yield-robbing diseases in oilseed rape

The AHDB oilseed management guide claims a typical reduction of 0.5 t/h yield in susceptible varieties.

Phoma control was once heavily reliant on fungicide applications in the autumn, however in recent years developments in plant breeding, led by Limagrain varieties such as; Aurelia, Ambassador and LG Aviron, has greatly reduced the amount of crops that reach the threshold for fungicide application.

What is RLM7?

Phoma is one of the biggest yield-robbing diseases in oilseed rape with the AHDB oilseed management guide claiming that a typical reduction of 0.5 t/h yield reduction in susceptible varieties.

Phoma first appears on the leaves as near-harmless legions, however if this infection spreads to the petioles or stem they can cause cankers. For this reason, phoma is more of a risk in smaller crops where infection can reach these critical points sooner. Cankers in the stem can increase the likelihood of lodging and impact on nutrient and water supply to the rest of the plant, severely impacting yield.

RLM7 is gene-specific resistance to phoma stem canker.

combining gene-specific resistances

LG combine gene-specific resistances along with quantitative resistance to offer maximum security against symptoms of phoma stem canker.

Selecting a variety with high resistance to phoma allows fungicide treatments to be delayed until a higher threshold of symptoms can be seen, however in seasons with high phoma pressure, fungicide treatment should still be considered.

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