26th October 2023

Super trooper – LG maize thrives in the North East

Just like all of our customers, I get a really satisfying feeling looking across fields that are thriving. From a selfish point of view it’s also very gratifying to think that I have had a small part to play in a crop’s success. Mother nature plays a huge part of course, along with soil type, cultivation technique, drilling date and the subsequent agronomy decisions which need to be made along the way. Choosing the right variety, for the area, rotational slot; harvest date and forage use are where your local Nickerson Seed Specialist can help increase profitability on farm.

The diversity of the LG portfolio is as wide as it is tall, so understanding how best to express the genetic potential of the crop is an essential part of the decision making process.

This crop of Trooper grown in the North East of England, is about two weeks away from harvest and the yield potential looks stunning. The grower needs an early harvest of high dry matter and high starch silage for a beef fattening unit and he needs it consistently year on year. This will be the third year that Trooper has fulfilled the brief and its potential. It’s great on farm – reliable, with decent yields and it is a highly digestible feed crop.


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Sean Lovegreen
Sean Lovegreen
Director of Sales (Nickerson)

About The Author

Sean Lovegreen

Director of Sales (Nickerson)
Sean Lovegreen started with Nickerson as an agent before quickly moving up the ranks to become the Director of Sales in 2016. With both a practical farming background and experience of running his own agricultural business prior to joining us, Sean is ideally placed to provide both farmers and colleagues with plenty of value.