Oilseeds, Cereals
3rd August 2023

A word from Sean Lovegreen as we go into harvest 23

What a difference a year can make! July 2022 saw a record-breaking temperature of over 400C. This year, in stark contrast we have just endured one of the wettest Julys ever recorded, adding pressure and complication to both harvest and sowing. Whilst moisture is a key driver to establishing OSR it’s also a huge challenge when trying to harvest nearly twelve months of hard work and investment. Fortunately, LG genetics can help de-risk some of the challenges with such traits as pod shatter resistance and high vigour in our OSR, or standing power, sprouting resistance, harvest date and disease resistance in autumn cereals. Whilst we have no influence on the weather, we can make a big difference with the choices we make when selecting varieties for the next season. Which is where dealing with a Nickerson Seed Specialist can have a positive effect on helping growers select the correct varieties to maximise the benefit from strong LG genetics.

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Oilseeds, Cereals

Sean Lovegreen
Sean Lovegreen
Director of Sales (Nickerson)

About The Author

Sean Lovegreen

Director of Sales (Nickerson)
Sean Lovegreen started with Nickerson as an agent before quickly moving up the ranks to become the Director of Sales in 2016. With both a practical farming background and experience of running his own agricultural business prior to joining us, Sean is ideally placed to provide both farmers and colleagues with plenty of value.

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